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Fertility And Acupuncture
Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can increase the chances of becoming pregnant. It can be useful for individuals or couples who hope for a natural conception or for those who are undergoing Assisted Reproduction Technology (ie; IVF, IUI, etc.,). Recent research has shown that having acupuncture treatment in conjunction with ART increases women’s chances of becoming pregnant. It is important to realise acupuncture can be of benefit to males to enhance fertility as it can help improve the quality and motility of the sperm. For best results acupuncture should begin at least 3 months prior to ART procedure.
How Acupuncture and TCM can enhance fertility.
- Regulates the menstrual cycle
- Regulates hormones by reducing stress
- Improves the thickness of the uterine wall lining
- Reduces uterine contractions after the embryo transfer
- Improves blood flow to the ovaries and uterus
- Improves ovarian function – encourages the production of follicles and enhances their quality
- Enhances the immune system
- Reduces the chance of miscarriage
- Improves sperm parameters ( takes at least 3 months)
- Improves quality of oocytes (takes at least 3 months)
Acupuncture and Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)
For the best results acupuncture should begin at least 3 months prior to ART procedure. Generally treatments are given once a week. For optimal results a treatment is given 12-48 hours before and after embryo transfer.
Acupuncture and Natural Conception
If you are attempting to become pregnant through natural means, acupuncture can benefit you by balancing the flow of Qi (energy) and blood in the body. When Qi and blood are not flowing smoothly clots, blocked tubes, premenstrual pain and endometriosis can occur.
Stress is a big factor in infertility and acupuncture can help the body relax while stress management techniques can also be of benefit. The clinic offers stress management therapists and sessions are done in 45minute sessions.
Diet & Lifestyle
Diet and nutrition are of the utmost importance to both male and females for optimal results in fertility. Dietary advice is given by qualified nutritional advisors throughout the course of treatment, as required and a qualified stress management therapist can help with breathing and relaxation techniques.
What Symptoms Acupuncture can treat in relation to Infertility
- Endometriosis
- Blocked Tubes
- Irregular Menstrual Cycle
- Premenstrual Cramps, pain and clots
- Headaches
- Miscarriage
- Lack of ovulation
- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
- Low Sperm Count
- Poor Motility Rates
Acupuncture During Pregnancy
Once pregnancy occurs, medication is usually prohibited therefore acupuncture is the ideal tool to help with morning sickness, coughs, colds, headaches, back pain, constipation, tiredness and the many afflictions the human body has to deal with daily. It can also be used to induce labour and to turn breach babies if necessary.
Increased Success of IVF when done in conjunction with Acupuncture
A recent study done by Paulus in Germany surveyed 160 women who had IVF treatment. 80 of the women had acupuncture before and after transfer of the embryo and 80 did not. The group that did not have acupuncture were found to have a 26.3% success rate, while the group that had the acupuncture had a 42.5% success rate. Success was determined by those who had a successful scan confirming pregnancy at 6 weeks pregnant. This clinic includes this protocol for those women undergoing IVF treatment. If you would like to read more about this: PubMed http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&list_uids=11937123&dopt=Books
Acupuncture can increase odds of clinical pregnancy by 65% among women undergoing IVF
A team of researchers based at Univerfsity of Maryland have reviewed and analysed a large number of clinical trials involving the use of acupuncture for fertility on 1366 women. The review concluded that acupuncture given with embryo transfer improves rates of pregnancy and live birth among women undergoing in vitro fertilisation. If you would like to read more about this: BMJ Feb 2008 http://www.bmj.com/cgi/content/full/bmj.39471.430451.BEv1
Acupuncture promoting ovulation
We have selected a few research articles that show the success of acupuncture in relation to treating lack of ovualtion:
Clinical observation on acupuncture for treatment of infertility of ovulatory disturbance. If you would like to read more: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18257182?ordinalpos=1&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.
Acupuncture in polycystic ovary syndrome: current experimental and clinical evidence. If you would like to read more: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18047551?ordinalpos=2&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.
Advances of modern studies of acupuncture and moxibustion for treatment of ovulation disorders. If you would like to read more: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17117581?ordinalpos=5&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.
Acupuncture can reduce miscarriages
Acupuncture During IVF linked to lower ectopic and miscarriage rate. The retrospective study included 131 women who were undergoing standard in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). All of these women were considered good prognosis candidates for IVF/ICSI and were given the choice of having acupuncture. 48 had acupuncture and 83 did not. In the group that had acupuncture the miscarriage rate was nearly halved. 14% miscarriages in non acupuncture group versus 8% miscarriage in acupuncture group. Ectopic pregnancies were 9% in non acupuncture group versus 0% in acupuncture group. Live birth rate for non acupuncture group was 16% versus 21% in acupuncture group.If you would like to read more: http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0CYD/is_1_40/ai_n8968477
Caffeine Intake linked to Miscarriage Rates
A new study has found that pregnant women who consumed more than 200 milligrams of caffeine a day, equivalent to about two cups of coffee, had twice the risk of miscarriage as the women who consumed no caffeine at all. The findings are published in the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. If you would like to read more: http://www.chinesemedicinetools.com/caffeine/caffeine-intake-linked-to-miscarriage-rates
Acupuncture can help male infertility
A study of 40 men with idiopathic oligospermia, asthenospermia, or teratozoospermia has shown a general improvement of sperm quality, specifically in the ultrastructural integrity of spermatozoa, after acupuncture. If you would like to read more: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16009169?ordinalpos=6&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.
Another study of 19 men with semen abnormalities showed that acupuncture and moxa techniques significantly increase the percentage of normal-form sperm in infertile patients with oligoastenoteratozoospermia without apparent cause. If you would like to read more: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14695986?ordinalpos=8&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.
Another study of 22 patients was done to gague the influence of acupuncture on idiopathic male infertility in assisted reproductive technology. It showed the The fertilization rates after acupuncture (66.2%) were obviously higher than that before treatment (40.2%, P < 0.01). There was no significant difference in sperm concentration and general sperm motility between before and after acupuncture. The embryo quality after acupuncture was improved, but the difference between them was not significant (P > 0.05). Acupuncture can improve sperm quality and fertilization rates in assisted reproductive technology. If you would like to read more: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12658811?ordinalpos=9&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.
Asthma causes inflammation, tightening and swelling of the airways causing obstruction in the flow of air to and from the lungs. Symptoms include wheezing, breathlessness, coughing, chest tightness, mucus and phlegm. There are many triggers including inhaled allergens such as dust mite, pollens, animal hairs, chemicals, food intolerances. It can also be triggered by exercise and over-breathing or hyperventilation. Trials were carried out on Asthmatics to reduce over-breathing in 1995in the Mater Hospital, Brisbane, Australia. After 3 months breathing volumes were lowered from 14.1 litres per minute to 9.6 litres per minute. This resulted in lower stress levels reduction in inhaled allergies and significant improvement in everyone’s asthma. The trials were based on simple breathing exercises. Those who continued to do the breathing exercises continued to improve and the need for Asthma medication reduced. Our treatment involves these breathing techniques, exclusion of any food intolerances, Chinese herbs or acupuncture to improve lung Qi (Energy / vital force) and reduce phlegm and mucus. Diet, stress, lifestyle and nutritional deficiencies are also addressed.
What Is An Allergy
Allergies and Food Intolerances
Allergies and Food intolerances are sensitivities to substances which usually do not cause any harm. The immune system views the allergen as if it was a dangerous infection releasing a surge of histamine. This can cause an array of symptoms some mild while others can be severe and last for periods of time. Allergies and intolerances can affect almost any part of the body and be caused by an ever increasing range of natural or artificial substances egg chemicals, airborne substances like dust mite, food and drink, animals, environmental, preservatives and additives. Allergies and intolerances can be the sole cause of illness or act as a trigger to existing conditions.
Signs and Symptoms
• Insomnia, Candida, Aches and Pains, Flu like symptoms
• Lowered immune system, Inflammation, Irritation
• Mood Swings, Hormonal imbalances, Toxins
• Irregular PH, Intestinal flora imbalance, Weight gain or loss
• Skin (red, dry, itchy, spots, hives)
• Nausea, Heartburn, Diarrhea, Constipation, IBS
• Headache/Migraine
• Chronic Fatigue, Exhaustion
• Stomach pain, Acid Reflux
• Nasal congestion or a runny nose
• Sneezing, wheezing, coughing, etc.
Allergy Consultation and treatment
The consultation and testing used are non-invasive and pain free. We incorporate Traditional Chinese medicine, bio-resonance, diet and nutrition therapy. There are no needles involved. Results will be given after full consultation and test.
We test for a variety of foods, chemicals, and airborne substances. Depending on the diagnoses, a treatment plan will be advised for you. Any exclusion diet will be fully explained and include recommendations for alternative foods. All consultations are strictly private and by appointment only.
Skin allergies
The most common are dermatitis, eczema, urticarial (nettle rash/hives) and psoriasis. Symptoms can include itching, redness, pain, swelling, sores, pustules, rashes, and acne. Causes can include allergies to certain foods, drugs, perfumes, chemicals and animals, poor diet, stress, nutritional deficiencies and organ imbalances.
Eye and ear allergies
Allergies can cause the eyes to water swell become sore red and irritated. The ears can also be affected causing itching internally and externally, fluid can also build up inside the ear causing pressure a ringing sensation and temporary deafness.
Respiratory allergies
Some common nasal conditions which are caused or triggered by allergies include rhinitis, sinusitis and hay fever. Symptoms can include sneezing, nasal discharge, headache, stuffiness, flu like symptoms and congestion. Chest conditions can manifest with symptoms such as coughing with or without phlegm, susceptibility to colds and flu, sensitivity to drafts or chills Asthma attacks can be brought on by an allergic reaction to foods and airborne substances. Symptoms can include wheezing, shortness of breath, and difficulty in breathing, coughing and chest tightness.
Food allergies and food intolerances
The list of symptoms of food allergies is endless they include digestive upset, skin rash, organ imbalances, delayed immune response, mouth sores, mood swings, toxin build up, weight gain or loss, stress, headache, poor absorption of nutrients and irritable bowel syndrome. Food allergies can upset the natural balance between good and bad bacteria leading to fungal infection. They can also interfere with the bodies’ natural ph. levels.
Candida and allergies
Candida is one of the most frequent conditions seen in the western world. It often manifests itself as vaginal infection in women. Causes can include allergies, poor diet, stress, nutritional deficiencies, poor immune system and antibiotic use. Symptoms are wide and varied. For example, thrush, nail infections, gas, bloating, constant hunger, bad breath, anal itching, severe dandruff, itchy flaky scalp, toxic overload, digestive and bowel upset, weight gain / loss and poor concentration.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
IBS affects many people. It manifests with severe pain, bloating, belching, stomach upset, constipation, diarrhoea, cramps, indigestion, spasm, anal itching, and frequent and urgent bowel motions. This condition can be very stressful, which in itself makes the condition worse. Causes can include food allergies and food intolerances, stress, nutritional deficiencies and organ imbalances.
PH Balance
PH balance / acid balance can be altered by food allergies and equally allergies can be caused by over acidity resulting in disorders such as gout, aches and pains, indigestion, psoriasis, red itchy skin, cellulite, heartburn, constant fatigue and illness.
Organ Imbalances
In Chinese medicine, allergies can cause disruption in the natural balance between yin and yang, smooth flow of Qi/energy and harmony amongst the organs. For example, disharmony of earth and wood (spleen and liver). Clinical indications of this may include indigestion with gas, cramping, nausea, constipation / diarrhoea, Premenstrual Syndrome with sore breasts, bloated abdomen, irritability and fatigue, headaches, mood swings, erratic appetite, irregular / painful periods, craving foods, cold hands and feet, unstable blood sugar and poor concentration. Other causes include stress low immune system infections poor diet and lifestyle and nutritional deficiencies. It is important to identify and treat these imbalances as soon as possible to avoid illness.
Stress and allergies
Allergies can put huge stress on almost any part of the system. Equally stress, can interfere with the immune response, resulting in allergies. It is important to keep stress at manageable levels so that the system can function properly. A well balanced diet, regular aerobic exercise and continual water intake are essential to reduce stress. Just as there are certain foods and drinks which raise stress levels there are also an array of supper foods that help to de-stress. It is important to decrease stress inducing foods and increase de-stress foods.
Nutrition and allergies
Over time if allergies are left untreated nutritional deficiencies will occur. To maintain good health it is important that we are getting adequate nutrition on a daily basis to support our lifestyle. Nutrition is required for all of the bodies systems and functions. It is important that we are eating the right foods, that these foods are being broken down properly, and that the nutrition from these foods is properly absorbed. Symptoms of deficiency or mal-absorption of nutrition are numerous and need to be identified and treated ASAP.
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