Pre-birth acupuncture involves a series of weekly treatments from 36 weeks onwards to delivery. It prepares a woman’s body for labour. It can help to ripen the cervix and can help the baby move into an anterior position before birth.
An observational study of the use of pre-birth acupuncture was done by Debra Betts. Practices of 14 midwives recorded their pre-birth acupuncture treatment over a 4-month period in 2004, in 169 New Zealand women who received pre-birth acupuncture.
When compared with the local population rates there was:
- An overall 35% reduction in the number of inductions (for women having their first baby, there was a 43% reduction)
- A 31% reduction in the epidural rate
- A 32% reduction in caesarean delivery
- A 9% increase in vaginal birth
To read more on this research please see link below:
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