Asthma causes inflammation, tightening and swelling of the airways causing obstruction in the flow of air to and from the lungs. Symptoms include wheezing, breathlessness, coughing, chest tightness, mucus and phlegm. There are many triggers including inhaled allergens such as dust mite, pollens, animal hairs, chemicals, food intolerances. It can also be triggered by exercise and over-breathing or hyperventilation. Trials were carried out on Asthmatics to reduce over-breathing in 1995in the Mater Hospital, Brisbane, Australia. After 3 months breathing volumes were lowered from 14.1 litres per minute to 9.6 litres per minute. This resulted in lower stress levels reduction in inhaled allergies and significant improvement in everyone’s asthma. The trials were based on simple breathing exercises. Those who continued to do the breathing exercises continued to improve and the need for Asthma medication reduced. Our treatment
involves these breathing techniques, exclusion of any food intolerances, Chinese herbs or acupuncture to improve lung Qi (Energy / vital force) and reduce phlegm and mucus. Diet, stress, lifestyle and nutritional deficiencies are also addressed.