Magnetic Acupressure Suction Cups
Magnetic acupressure suction cups are a form of needle free acupuncture. They utilize a combination of acupressure, suction, and magnet therapy. There are 4 different sized cups, the smallest for areas like the face and the larger ones for the back. It does not pierce the skin. It is safe effective and ideal for those who are needle shy. It is approved by the American F.D.A. and is used worldwide. It is also recommended by the Chinese Acupuncture Association. It can treat a vast range of conditions including:
- Fertility issues
- Headache
- Arthritis
- Menopause
- Menstruation
- Constipation
- Digestion
- Candida
- Cystitis
- Allergies
- Stop smoking
- Weight control
- Facial rejuvenation
- Aches and pains
- Fatigue
- Insomnia
- Circulation
- Asthma
- Tinnitus
- High blood pressure
- I.B.S
- Coughs and colds
Magnetic acupressure suction cups have under gone 8 scientific tests, 1000 clinical trials, and are used by over 30 million people worldwide. It has been proved to have the same beneficial effects as traditional acupuncture but with the obvious appeal of being without the needles!
Auricular Acupuncture
Auricular Acupuncture is based on similar principles to Reflexology. Just like the foot, the ear represents a map of the body. By placing a seed on a specific point in the ear you can manipulate the qi/energy of its corresponding organ. Auricular manipulation is simple and safe. It is pain free and is well accepted by the elderly, children, and people who tend not to like needles. It does not pierce the skin. The seeds may be left in the ear for the client to press/manipulate themselves. This helps to boost and enhance the system. Auricular acupuncture can be used on its own or in conjunction with traditional acupuncture/magnetic acupressure suction cups. Here are some of its most common uses:
- Fertility issues
- Stop Smoking
- Allergies
- Weight control
- Insomnia
- Stress
- P.M.T
- Aches and pains
- Appetite control
- Motion sickness
- Addiction
- Menieres disease
- Skin disorders
- Bowel problems
- Tinnitus
- Morning sickness
- Sinusitis
- Vertigo
A study was carried out on the effects of auricular acupuncture on smoking cessation. In a controlled study of 141 adults, some were given auricular acupuncture vs. sham acupuncture. Results showed that auricular acupuncture helped to significantly reduce smoking.
Auricular Acupuncture Seeds were placed on weight loss points in the ears of 800 people, for anxiety and weight loss. Diet and lifestyle changes were also advised. After 3 months 81.1% had a reduction in over eating. 64.3% had significant weight loss. Others reported reduced anxiety. Results show that auricular acupuncture has a beneficial effect on overeating and weight loss.
Joanne Mc Govern – Dip Ac., Lic Ac., Dip. Chinese Herbs, Dip. Nutritional Advisor, Dip Stress Management.
“I had been complaining of generally feeling tired and run down for a while. My sister in law told me about the acupuncture clinic. While she has had good results, I did not really like the idea of needles. I rang anyway and was told I could have needle free acupuncture, which delighted me. The consultation was very thorough.
I am 38 yrs of age. My main symptoms were headaches, painful heavy periods, poor sleep, stress and fatigue. A food intolerance test showed that I was sensitive to yeast, which I avoided. I was also advised about a healthier diet and lifestyle. About 8 magnetic acupressure suction cups were placed on areas of my body and face. The treatment took about 30 minutes. It was quite relaxing. Ear seeds were then placed on points in my ear. I was told to press these a few times a day.
I returned the following week. At this point my sleep had improved. On the third, weekly visit my headaches were practically gone and my energy had greatly improved. By the sixth visit my period was less painful and without clots and I felt a lot more relaxed in myself. I also noticed other improvements. I used to get low back pain with my period which is now gone. My digestion has also improved. I had another 3 treatments spread out over another 6 weeks. I feel 100% improved compared to when I started the treatment.” – Rose
Joanne Mc Govern – Dip Ac., Lic Ac., Dip. Chinese Herbs, Dip. Nutritional Advisor, Dip Stress Management.